Into the Dawn
Barn Quilt Trail
Fancy Dresden Plate
North Starmore_vertclose
[caption id="attachment_3688" align="alignleft" width="150"] North Star[/caption] This north star quilt pattern commemorates the contributions of the early Black settlers who founded the British American Institute here. Their developed lands would later make up nearly a quarter of the Dresden townsite....
Dresden Platemore_vertclose
[caption id="attachment_3689" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dresden Plate[/caption] The Dresden Plate quilt pattern symbolizes diversity with its many multi-coloured “petals” coming together to create a new and dynamic pattern. This is an apt symbol for our quilt project, begun as a celebration...
Maple Leaf Forevermore_vertclose
[caption id="attachment_3687" align="alignleft" width="150"] Maple Leaf Forever[/caption] Our quilt block celebrating Wright’s Fairport reflects the song “The Maple Leaf Forever” -- once in contention to be our national anthem. The song acknowledges Canada’s British roots with the words: “The Thistle,...
Flying Geesemore_vertclose
[caption id="attachment_3690" align="alignleft" width="150"] Flying Geese[/caption] The Pennsylvania Black Abolitionist, William Whipper’s legacy at Dresden including his bringing hundreds north on the UGRR (Underground Railroad) is celebrated here. Those escaping north to freedom were sometimes told to follow migrating geese...
Wagon Wheelmore_vertclose
[caption id="attachment_3691" align="alignleft" width="150"] Wgaon Wheel[/caption] The Wagon Wheel pattern has been chosen to represent D.R. Van Allen’s original survey of Dresden. Van Allen’s survey 128 was home to the Hub and Spoke and Bending Factory (later O. and W....
[caption id="attachment_3934" align="alignnone" width="250"] The Pioneers, Tramway Railroad with the Log House[/caption]
Hands All Aroundmore_vertclose
The red section represents the earliest organizations: from the Church in the centre to the Foresters, IOOF (Independent Order of Oddfellows), Rebekahs, and Masons/Eastern Star in the adjoining wings. The blue areas represent our active groups today: IODE, Legion, Rotary,...
The Rivermore_vertclose
The River River pattern has been modified to follow the shape of Dresden’s River. Block patterns represent fields and forest and town lots. The River: an important artery from trees to town.
The Dresden Collectionmore_vertclose
[caption id="attachment_3691" align="alignleft" width="125"] Wagon Wheel[/caption] The Wagon Wheel pattern has been chosen to represent D.R. Van Allen’s original survey of Dresden. Van Allen’s survey 128 was home to the Hub and Spoke and Bending Factory (later O. and W....
Corn, Wheat, Beansmore_vertclose
The corn, wheat. and beans represented on this quilt remain a mainstay of crop rotation on many of our area farms and as such a fitting representation of our essential agricultural industries.It is fitting that this quilt illustrating agriculture is...