Crossed Canoes
The story
Crossed Canoes – Travel on the Thames. Before the development of Longwood’s Road, the Thames River was the most efficient means of transportation. Referred to as “La Tranche” by the French and ‘Many Antlers’ or “Askunessippi” by the First Nations, the Thames was the key transportation route for all travelers in the region.
Both the native communities and European fur traders relied on canoes to conduct business and trade pelts up and down the river region. Besides business, the river was a main passageway for missionaries.
The Thames was the main route for transporting and shipping military supplies and personnel. During the winters of wartime, the frozen river became an ice road for continuous shipment of troops and supplies. George Ward would have relied on the Thames River in his military life and live by the river as a tavern owner.
Crossed Canoes
21855 Hagerty Rd, Wardsville ON.
Latitude : 42.65298 Longitude : -81.75258