Broken Star
The story

Broken Star
This traditional quilt block in white and shades of purple is reproduced from a real quilt. While attending an auction in Lindsay, Carolyn and Dave saw a clothesline hung with beautiful quilts up for auction. A white and purple Broken Star caught their eye, not only for the colour and pattern but also for the skill of execution. They were lucky enough to secure it and it now adorns a king-size bed in their home. It is one of those odd coincidences that their quilt was made by Mennonites and her father’s family, the Vansickles, are originally Pennsylvania Dutch. Purple is “her” colour and the star patterns are her favourite. Carolyn has quilted from childhood, starting with her mother and her mother’s sisters. She still treasures the patterns made out of cardboard they used for quilting when she was a child.
Name of sponsor of Barn Quilt : David & Carolyn Brackenridge
Broken Star
275 Brackenridge Drive, Cavan Monaghan, ON
Latitude : 44.13052 Longitude : -78.39226