Old Country Church
The story

First, the church was typically the town meeting place. It was a place to discuss matters that affected all members of the community. The church was a site of town politics and debate.
Second, the church functioned as a place of learning. During this time period, churches usually doubled as schoolhouses where children were taught ‘the three Rs’ (reading, writing, and arithmetic). Both girls and boys were given access to education. While school was important, children were required to place their homes and family before their education. Often boys would leave school to help on the farm while girls helped their mothers with domestic duties.
Last, the church was a place of worship. Most of the community gathered on Sundays to worship and share fellowship with one another.
Second, the church functioned as a place of learning. During this time period, churches usually doubled as schoolhouses where children were taught ‘the three Rs’ (reading, writing, and arithmetic). Both girls and boys were given access to education. While school was important, children were required to place their homes and family before their education. Often boys would leave school to help on the farm while girls helped their mothers with domestic duties.
Last, the church was a place of worship. Most of the community gathered on Sundays to worship and share fellowship with one another.
Hosted by:
St. Johns Prysbyterian Church.
Old Country Church
21911 Hagerty Road, Wardsville, ON
Latitude : 42.65466 Longitude : -81.75523