Maple Leaf Forever
The story

Maple Leaf Forever
Our quilt block celebrating Wright’s Fairport reflects the song “The Maple Leaf Forever” — once in contention to be our national anthem. The song acknowledges Canada’s British roots with the words: “The Thistle, Shamrock, Rose, entwine, the Maple Leaf Forever!” It pays tribute to early settlers who were Scottish (symbolized by purple for the Thistle), Irish (green for the Shamrock) and British (red for the Rose) who were the dominant presence in Wright’s Fairport. The blue represents the bodies of water on which they traversed to come to Canada.
Name of sponsor of Barn Quilt : IODE and Rotary Club of Dresden
Maple Leaf Forever
on Brown St @ Corner of St George St
Latitude : 42.58999 Longitude : -82.17993