The story

Ken and I have farmed together at 82009 Manley Line, Huron East for 40 years. We have 5 children (hearts) – even a set of twins represented by two hearts together. Ken loves his John Deere and you will find green and yellow throughout. We have planted crops represented by the corn cob. I enjoy gardening, nature and sewing represented here by spools of thread, flowers and a blue jay. Off one spool is the thread that binds our love of family, friends and country. The three clumps of circle flowers represent our 9 grand children to date, and the leaves intertwined represent our friends and neighbours whom we couldnt do without. The 2017 flg in the centre represents what a great place we live in and how our lives are centred in Canada. Happy 150th Canada

Name of sponsor of Barn Quilt : Ken & Anne Murray


Esst. 1976

82009 Manley Line, Walton,ON

Latitude : 43.59629 Longitude : -81.2399

See the barns on google maps