Farm Proud
The story

Farm Proud
The Millbrook Agricultural Society’s 8’x8’ quilt block is mounted on the exhibit building at the Fairgrounds in Millbrook. The appliqué-style quilt block highlights four key elements of rural living that are featured at the Society’s annual Agricultural Fair held the second weekend of June. The block design illustrates the importance of the care and breeding of livestock; active farm properties; agricultural production; and home crafts that include both the more traditional arts of baking and needlework along with photography, plants, preserves, floral arrangements and crafts. In the centre of the block is a maple leaf motif, recognizing allegiance to Canada, and on the barn is a quilt block featuring the traditional Ferris Wheel quilt pattern as a reminder of the fun to be had at the Fair.
The Millbrook Agricultural Fair has a long and distinguished history, with records showing that local fairs were held as far back as the 1830s. However, based on a 1949 grant submission for recognition as a centenarian fair, the Agricultural Society counts 1849 as the official date of the first fair. Reorganization of the Agricultural Society in 1942 resulted in the switch from a fall fair to a spring date, and since that time, the Fair has taken place in June. Drawing together all ages from both rural and urban communities to provide an educational and entertaining weekend is the objective of the Agricultural Society. They accomplish this by offering a wide range of events, competitions, activities and displays that focus on the importance of agriculture while never forgetting to have fun. The official logo, designed by Karen Shaughnessy and adopted in 1980, features a pig to symbolize the agricultural aspect of the Fair and a clown to represent the entertainment.
Design By: Debra Jackson and Kate DeKlerck
Painted by: Jeanne Moran and Maya DeMaria
Name of sponsor of Barn Quilt : Millbrook Agricultural Society
Farm Proud
13 Frederick Street Millbrook, ON
Latitude : 44.14395 Longitude : -78.45555